
5 Important Halloween Safety Tips for Dog Owners

Halloween can be a fun and festive holiday for children and families. But for dogs? Let’s face it, it can be a nightmare! Follow these easy tips to keep your dog safe and stress free this Halloween.

1. Walk your dog early.
Take your evening stroll before the trick-or-treaters head out, while it is light and the ground is still visible. This will help you avoid your dog finding candy, wrappers and other temptations on the ground. And, the exercise will also help reduce your dog’s stress once the doorbell starts ringing.

2. Candy is not for dogs.
All forms of chocolate – in particular dark chocolate – can be dangerous, and even lethal, for dogs. Artificial sweeteners, such as xylitol, often found in candy can also be potentially poisonous to dogs. Wrappers can cause choking or intestinal obstruction. Keep your treat bowl up high on Halloween and be sure any candy your children come home with is placed in a safe location where dogs can’t help themselves.

3. Keep decorations out of dogs reach.
Jack-o’-lanterns and candles can easily be knocked over by a dog’s wagging tail and burn your dog or even start a fire.

4. Don’t dress your pet in a costume unless he loves it.
If you do decide that Rover needs a costume, make sure it isn’t annoying or unsafe. It should not constrict movement, hearing, eyesight, or the ability to breathe or bark. Supervise him at all times.

5. Keep dogs confined and away from the door.
Not only will your door be constantly opening and closing on Halloween, but strangers will be dressed in unusual costumes and yelling loudly for their candy. This, of course, is scary for our furry friends. Dogs are territorial and may become anxious and growl at innocent trick-or-treaters. Putting your dog or cat in a secure room away from the front door will also prevent them from darting outside into the night … a night when no one wants to be searching for a lost loved one. If your dog or cat should escape and become lost, having the proper identification will increase the chances that they will be returned; be sure your dog is wearing and up-to-date ID tag.



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